Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Bible Study and Bus Driving

Hi, I am contemplating starting a Bible study on Thursday nights. I wonder if anyone reading this wants an evening Thursday study. Let me know. Also I have been bus driving for several weeks now. I drive pre-schoolers in the "short" bus. It is pretty fun.
Peace, corey

Picture of Zoe and Beryl

Hi Jennifer and other visitors!

It is neat to see that at least a few folks have found their way to our blog. I am trying to figure out a way that the comments can be easily viewed by all.
I will also be adding a link to a new blog. Look for the link on the right hand side. It will be a blog with my sermon notes- I didn't want to fill up the church blog with sermons- so there will be a blog separate for that.
General update- we had 65 in worship on Sunday Oct. 16th. That's pretty awesome for us. We are growing slowly but surely. Sunday school seems to be well attended at all age levels and the Youth/Parent Ministry is still going strong.
I thought I would put our worship scriptures for the week on the blog.
Joshua 3:7-17, Psalm 107:1-7, 33-37, 1 Thess. 2:9-13, Matthew 23:1-12. I will be preaching from the Matthew scripture. The title is "Living for God- the Final Exam" Our theme for the month of October has been "Live for God."

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Exchange Student Opportunity

Hi There,
There is an opportunity to receive a Korean foreign exchange student into your home. Dong Jin Sung, has been attending high school in Palouse, he is a sophomore. He travelled to the USA with the Program of Academic Exchange (visit: www.pax.org). His current host, and PAX coordinator, Lisa Feltis, lives in Pullman, WA. It is getting very difficult for Lisa to drive Dong to school every day in Palouse. She will have to transfer him to Pullman high school, unless we can find a family willing to host him in the Palouse area. Here is a link to Dong's profile: http://dssdb.com/pax/pax_small.asp?st_id=9635&p=6469
On the website you will see that he is a bright student. He has already made many friends at Gar-Pal high, and it would be best if he could remain in school there.
If interested contact pastor Corey, or call Lisa Feltis directly at 509-334-9311. A host family is required to provide room and board for the exchange student. Dong could share a room with another male youth.
If you are able to host someone at this time, please consider this opportunity or if you know of someone who would like to host a student- please pass this information on.
Pastor Corey

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Our Sunday School Kids!

Palouse Fed. Youth Respond to Crisis

Photo ID: Backpacks For Kids! Those who helped package up the school kits for hurrican victims include Back row left is Sierra Hoffman, Katia Van Arsdale, Ariel Hoffman, Holly Brown and Sunday School Teacher Cathy Blood
Front left is Darrick Blood, Nicole Walton, Lyssa Blood, Tim Baldwin.

PALOUSE- Over 20 backpack school kits were packaged up by Palouse Federated Church and the surrounding community to send to hurricane victims along the gulf coast. Donations from Palouse Days and Potlatch and Palouse area residents helped fill 20 large ziploc bags with notebooks, pencils, pens, erasers, crayons, rulers, glue and scissors. The kits will be sent to World Vision, who will distribute them to children throughout the hardest hit areas.

Youth/Parent Ministry

Every Sunday Night
6-8pm- Youth (6-12th grade) and Parents (no age requirement) are invited to an evening of FUN, eating and Learning.
Dinner is always provided, and there is always a vegetarian option.
Youth have time to do their homework, if needed.
Parents have time to relax and talk with each other about parenting challenges and successes.
Everybody ends up having a good time- and we learn about our Lord and Savior- Jesus Christ.
Rumor has it that from 8-9pm on Sunday nights the gym will be open at the school for basketball or whatever.
If you have any questions about our youth ministry- drop a post- or give me a ring.
Pastor Corey

Welcome to our Blog!

Hi there,
I thought it would be cool to have a "web" presence for our ministry. I look forward to getting used to this format and will try to post stuff, such as: sermons, upcoming events, random thoughts on ministry and mission, maybe even weekly Bible readings. Who knows? We will see where it goes from here.
Bookmark this site and come back and visit from time to time.
I especially want to create this Blog so that our youth can visit it and get something out of it.
Pastor Corey