Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Pastor's at Ross Point

Hello- I am at Ross Point at a pastor's conference. It has been great so far. We have had two main speakers- Dick Sipe from Iowa and Reggie McNeal from South Carolina. Both have been challenging, thought provoking and encouraging. It is always good to be at Ross Point.
Tina and I celebrated our anniversary on Monday- we have been married 7 years.

Youth/Parent Ministry Prayer Walk in West Central Spokane

A few of us went to Spokane to see how God is at work in the West Central neighborhood. It was a very good learning and faith growing experience.

Monday, September 18, 2006

The Softball Champions and other fun things

Hello from Philadelphia! I am in a wonderful place. The National Christian Conference Center in Valley Forge, Pa. I am receiving enhanced training on evangelism- sharing the good news of Jesus Christ- it is a follow up training on something I did two years ago. Anyways- things are going well here- its humid- but very beautiful and quiet.
I am still basking in the Palouse Days Championship Softball Game that was dominated by the Palouse Federated team. Way to go team. I have to give it to the other team- they did their best, but it was no match for us. I think the score was 27-5. Yikes!
Church seems to be going well lately. This week is our two year anniversary of service to Palouse Federated. It has been an honor and usually a pleasure!
People seem to be back in the "school year" routine. More consistence worship attendance has resulted- we have been back up over 90 and 80 the last couple of weeks.
Next week is the start of our sunday school year and some other stuff is starting soon too. WE have Wednesday night classes and prayer starting the 27th of Sept. We have evening worship starting on Sundays at 7pm. We have already started youth/parent ministry sundays at 5pm and added a community dinner for any and all at 6:15pm on Sundays. We also started a Bible for Dummies class on Tuesday mornings at 10am- its a lot of fun! Let's see what eles- oh yeah- we are doing a coat drive for kids and adults who need winter coats.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Prayer Gang- "The Intercessors"

In our "Give and Take" Sunday- we discussed intercessory prayer- petitioning God on behalf of others. We looked at many of the vast scriptures that support this type of Christian prayer.
At the end of our time I let people know that we are developing a prayer ministry- not a prayer chain, but a prayer gang- The Intercessors. Volunteers in this gang will receive specific assignments to pray for- every member won't be given every request- rather you will be given specific assignments to focus on.
If you are interested in being a member of our prayer gang- and can commit to pray for your assignments as well as keeping appropriate information confidential- please contact me, Corey at thelaugers@yahoo.com or simply leave a comment on this blog.
here is a prayer for all of you reading this, "Holy Father- may you open the eyes and ears of your child today- that wherever they are and whatever they are doing- they may know your love and be secure in it. Help them to love and serve others today. Amen"
May the peace of Christ be with you,