Exchange Student Opportunity

Hi There,
There is an opportunity to receive a Korean foreign exchange student into your home. Dong Jin Sung, has been attending high school in Palouse, he is a sophomore. He travelled to the USA with the Program of Academic Exchange (visit: His current host, and PAX coordinator, Lisa Feltis, lives in Pullman, WA. It is getting very difficult for Lisa to drive Dong to school every day in Palouse. She will have to transfer him to Pullman high school, unless we can find a family willing to host him in the Palouse area. Here is a link to Dong's profile:
On the website you will see that he is a bright student. He has already made many friends at Gar-Pal high, and it would be best if he could remain in school there.
If interested contact pastor Corey, or call Lisa Feltis directly at 509-334-9311. A host family is required to provide room and board for the exchange student. Dong could share a room with another male youth.
If you are able to host someone at this time, please consider this opportunity or if you know of someone who would like to host a student- please pass this information on.
Pastor Corey
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