Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Tiana is Baptizied- Praise Be to God!

Tiana Gregg was baptized in the Palouse River at Laird Park on Sunday Aug. 27th. It was a wonderful time of celebration. The water was a bit cold- but the company and God's Spirit warmed us all up.
I counted about 30 folks who were there- maybe there are more still lost in the woods looking for the location.
Anyways...We are excited for Tiana- may you enjoy the grace of God now and forever.
Check out these Pictures:


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Hot Dogs and Hoopla

Hello- Summer is kind of ending today. Youth in our towns are heading back to school on Wednesday.
A bunch of us hung out in the park this summer on Sunday evenings. We would eat hot dogs, or boca burgers together and goof around in the park. Some were daring enough to play basketball on the court with Pastor Corey. Will Edwards could often be found playing above the rim this summer- giving tips to youngsters on how to really be a quality rebounder. Thanks Will! Here is a H+H picture:

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Looking ahead...

Ministry is going well at Palouse Federated. We have been having a lot of "first-timers" in worship lately.
We are working on getting things ready for our fall schedule. We have a lot brewing. We are doing a youth service day in Spokane at the end of this month and doing a booth at Palouse Days in September- but the big projects are revamping our adult discipleship, aka Sunday school and bible studies. Right now the plan is to move to a seminar/workshop model of adult discipleship= more to come on that later. The other big thing is worship development. I think there will eventually be a Wednesday evening prayer night- that is a flexible deal- open to the community- maybe it will even have a worship/music element- but mainly it will be a place for prayer and quiet before God.
The possibility for a sunday evening service is also "in the works." This would be done to have a different time option for the people of our area to find a Christian worship home- it would also be a different style (probably more liturgical) than our Sunday morning service.
If you are reading this and have any opinions or suggestions on our developing worship and discipleship let me know.