I was really pummeled with God's love during the preparation for worship, and in the worship service- culminating in the celebration of the Lord's supper.
The sermon scripture was of God calling Levi- and Levi responding by having Jesus over to dinner with some other sinners. The pharisees are ticked and Jesus says, "hey guys- newsflash- I didn't come for the "I got it all together" crowd- I came for the "messed up"- its not the healthy who need a doctor, no - the sick need the doctor." Or something to that effect.
God loves me how I am - not based on my past or present behavior- just based on His love. I want that kind of love in my life.
Anyways- I really was appreciating how much God loves each of us last Sunday- hoping that I and others- would put down our pride and self righteousness and fall into his arms of love. I hope that came through- that God loves you. I pray it did.
Lent is under way- and the challenge is still out there. I am daring you all to try to stare at our God- by praying daily in a time of silence and by reading one of the gospels during Lent (Matthew, Mark, Luke or John)- I dare you to do this and have your life remain unchanged. I am taking my own dare.
Wednesday night services are also a great time to come together and listen to God and catch what God is doing in our faith community. Each week we will be having a person give a devotion based on one of the seven last sayings of Christ from the cross. Tina, my wife, will be up tomorrow- she is doing, "behold thy son...behold thy mother" scripture, next week Brenda, will be doing "I thirst" and the week after that Darlene will be "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise." I need more folk to do devotions- if interested let me know. I am excited to hear the word from these folks.
Last Sunday was good. It was good to see some first time worshipers there. Thanks for coming. Come again.
I counted 81 of us there- another count said 78- it was in that neighborhood.
Praise God- for God is a loving God- who does not abandon us to our selfish and self righteous ways- but indeed comes to us in the midst of all of it and offers us the good medicine of Himself.