Sunday, February 26, 2006

Lent is beginning- What is Lent anyways

Lent is the season before Easter. It begins with Ash Wednesday. Which this year is March 1st. Lent is forty days long- well its really forty-six, but tradition in this case does not count the sabbath days- so we end up saying forty.
Lent is a time to reflect on who we are - and our need for God. It is a time to consider our mortality.
Many people choose to fast, or abstain from certain foods or activities during lent. I think this is a fine practice- if it is done in order to spend more time in communication with God.
I am encouraging- daring really- our congregation to read one of the Gospels- any of the four- Matthew, Mark, Luke or John during Lent. I am also daring them to commit extra time to God in silent/listening prayer. I am challenging folks to look at God and see if they remain unchanged.
here is a good website if you are curious about ash Wednesday:
We will be imposing ashes after we have a simple supper, this Wednesday, 6pm at the church.
Peace, Corey

Dear Marjorie...

It was an honor to officiate the memorial service for Marjorie Blood. She passed away this week after a full life of 96 years.
I met Marjorie the first week I was in Palouse (thanks to Don G.). I enjoyed visiting her. Her rosy cheeks, her giggle, her interest in my children- she was a dear Christian sister.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

A Photo Flashback and Today

The picture is of eight new members of Palouse Federated Church. They were welcomed as members on Sunday, Feb. 5th. From left to right (all the way across- no front and back), they are: Frances, Gerri, Oralene, Vida, Sherry, Liz, Bob and Brenda. [Thanks to Peggy Collier for taking the picture.]
I am excited that we also have many baptisms coming up. I am excited that we had a productive goal-setting workshop on Saturday. Thanks to Betty for the excellent teaching. Thank you to all who were able to come and share vision and direction for our ministries. Many goals were set- and other goals were under consideration. The different boards will now set their official 12 month goals at their next monthly meeting.
I am really enjoying using the Nooma videos (check out in our adult sunday school and at youth/parent night. Rob Bell- the teacher on the nooma videos- is an excellent communicator. Anyways, this week we watched "Rhythm" at the adult sunday school and we watched "Lump" at youth parent night. Rhythm is about what it is to live in relationship with God- which can be a difficult concept to grasp- but Bell uses music as a metaphor. It's worth watching. Lump is about God loving you- no matter what shame you may have- very good. The church owns a bunch of these nooma dvds and we loan them out. So just let me know if you want to borrow them. Youth/Parent night was fun- first we had some sweet pasta- thank you parents! we played some games- but we also read Mark 2:1-12 =- the healing of a paralyzed man. We compared it to Lump- you had to be there- it was pretty cool.
In worship we had a "Give and Take" called "Big Questions Part I"- you see the youth Sunday School gave me a sheet of questions last Sunday to answer- big ones like: How has God always been? and how is Jesus the Son of God if he was born of Mary?
So I shared and some folks shared- but next week is part II and I am soliciting questions- even from you folks overseas- Saipan, Greece- wherever. So fire me off a question and it will likely make it into the next give and take. send it to:
Well it was a cold day outside- but we stayed warm inside with about 83 or so of us there worshiping our Lord Jesus Christ.
Thanks be to God.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Projectors, Birthdays and Kid's Sermons- oh my!

To re-phrase U2's famous lyrics, "Sunday, funny Sunday."
I completely forgot to do the youth sermon- well that's only half right. Betty had volunteered to do it this week and she had a great idea and plan, and then I totally spaced it. Yikes- we still went an hour and 20 minutes (give or take 10 minutes) without it. So we will save that one for another day.
there are just a ton of birthdays for our church in this month. So today we had cakes. Happy B-days go out to: JD, Norm, James, Marjorie, John, Tyler, Bud, Brenda, Verlan, Peggy, Ralph, Kyle, Jim K. and Jeff. There are probably more- if I missed you- sorry. Funny that the shortest month has so many birthdays. If we had every month with that many birthdays we would have about 150 people in our church.
We used a different video projector today, it was a borrowed one. It was much brighter and worked much better. This is good news for us- because the one we have is really old and the one we borrowed isn't much newer- but it was much improved. Meaning that when we actually get our projector we will have one that is much improved. Today we used the borrowed one to project a song with lyrics and music- it seemed to work pretty well. If you were there, I would love to have your feedback.
Well the theme for today is that God is with us- in our darkest pit- and in eternal bliss- but right now we are here on earth to do life as best we can. Being people who love, share, serve and forgive. There were about 85 of us there today in worship. There were many parents and children downstairs this week. Hopefully soon we will have close-circuit TV of the service for the downstairs folks to watch and participate- when we get it I will wave to you.
Have a great week, Corey

Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Couple of great books....

I read several books at a time. Right now my current count is 5. But two have really grabbed my heart. The picture above is of Rob Bell's, "Velvet Elvis" published by Zondervan. I am 80 or so pages in and I am really loving it. This book is a bit theological- but Bell is an excellent communicator and story teller. I recommend this book to any who are seeking a fresh or should I say refreshing view and experience of Christ. Rob Bell is the same guy who does the NOOMA videos that we have watched at Youth/Parent ministry and during Adult Sunday School (including this week). There is an audio CD version of this book available.

This book is written by a guy Tina and I consider a friend. His name is Shane or Shaner. Shane Claiborne to be exact. The title is "Irresistible Revolution" and it is also published by Zondervan. Shane has an amazing life full of stories of how following Jesus has really messed him up. He has worked with Mother Theresa, worked at Willow Creek and was in Iraq during Shock and Awe- among other amazing things. What is most amazing of Shane is he is humbly and authentically himself. He is honestly seeking to live as Jesus would have him live. I am over half-way through this book and it is awesome. This book came out just last week, I hear from Shane that this book is already selling well. I really want to get Shane out to our neck of the woods to speak and share stories. He lives in a Christian community in North Philadelphia called the simple way- check them out at His presence and witness is dangerous- for he triggers thoughts and convictions that we have heard and learned from Jesus- and transformation happens. Beware if you read this book- things may change.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

3 Plate Communion

I am a Seahawk fan. But I rejoice today- why? Because this is the day that the Lord has made- I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Though the game left little for us hawk fans to rejoice- the day was full of rejoicing! 8 people joined our church today- committing to serve God and the surrounding community. What a blessing! Bob, Brenda, Sherry, Oralene, Gerri, Frances, Vida and Liz- welcome and I am excited to worship and serve with you.
We had over 90 in worship, truly I am not sure how many were there. But we had to use our brand new, third communion tray. Each tray holds forty cups- we needed 85 cups upstairs and 5 adults downstairs (with toddlers and infants) additionally received communion. I love the Lord's Supper, Eucharist, Communion- rememberring God's sacrificial love for each one of us is essential to our lives as individuals, as families and as a worshipping community.
The sermon scripture today (Mark 1:29-39) was one of those times when Jesus goes off, alone, to a quiet place to pray. I felt convicted to speak about how important it is to take time to reconnect with God- so that we can be truly connected in our life- with others and with our life purpose.
The adult sunday school watched a video by Rob Bell and called Noise. It is excellent. We had a wonderful discussion of the noise- audible and visible- that clutters our lives. We talked of the challenges and the need for the disciplines of silence and solitude. This was a really good discussion. If you want to see the video- contact me and I will make it happen.
If you are reading this- and you were at worship at PFC this Sunday- why not leave a reflection of your worship experience. If you are reading this from some distant place- outside of Palouse- and you worshipped somewhere else this Sunday- why not leave a comment about how God is working where you are at.
The youth Sunday School- did their normal cool stuff. I admire our teachers- thank you for your ministry. Thanks to Darlene for stepping in and helping with our growing jr/sr high group. Always a fun and energetic bunch.

Okay- so after the church there was a big football game party at John and Betty's. A bunch of church families....too much food... too little seahawk offense....too much screaming for Zoe...a few too many Steeler fans (though they are really lovely people)....and it was all very, very fun. Thank you hosts!
Please include our church in your prayers. Pray that I will be the Pastor-Leader that God wants me to be- that I will listen to God, that as we grow we will be faithful to our calling, patient with one another, deepening our love for God, each other and our surrounding community.