I read several books at a time. Right now my current count is 5. But two have really grabbed my heart. The picture above is of Rob Bell's, "Velvet Elvis" published by Zondervan. I am 80 or so pages in and I am really loving it. This book is a bit theological- but Bell is an excellent communicator and story teller. I recommend this book to any who are seeking a fresh or should I say refreshing view and experience of Christ. Rob Bell is the same guy who does the NOOMA videos that we have watched at Youth/Parent ministry and during Adult Sunday School (including this week). There is an audio CD version of this book available.

This book is written by a guy Tina and I consider a friend. His name is Shane or Shaner. Shane Claiborne to be exact. The title is "Irresistible Revolution" and it is also published by Zondervan. Shane has an amazing life full of stories of how following Jesus has really messed him up. He has worked with Mother Theresa, worked at Willow Creek and was in Iraq during Shock and Awe- among other amazing things. What is most amazing of Shane is he is humbly and authentically himself. He is honestly seeking to live as Jesus would have him live. I am over half-way through this book and it is awesome. This book came out just last week, I hear from Shane that this book is already selling well. I really want to get Shane out to our neck of the woods to speak and share stories. He lives in a Christian community in North Philadelphia called the simple way- check them out at
www.thesimpleway.org His presence and witness is dangerous- for he triggers thoughts and convictions that we have heard and learned from Jesus- and transformation happens. Beware if you read this book- things may change.
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