3 Plate Communion
I am a Seahawk fan. But I rejoice today- why? Because this is the day that the Lord has made- I will rejoice and be glad in it!
Though the game left little for us hawk fans to rejoice- the day was full of rejoicing! 8 people joined our church today- committing to serve God and the surrounding community. What a blessing! Bob, Brenda, Sherry, Oralene, Gerri, Frances, Vida and Liz- welcome and I am excited to worship and serve with you.
We had over 90 in worship, truly I am not sure how many were there. But we had to use our brand new, third communion tray. Each tray holds forty cups- we needed 85 cups upstairs and 5 adults downstairs (with toddlers and infants) additionally received communion. I love the Lord's Supper, Eucharist, Communion- rememberring God's sacrificial love for each one of us is essential to our lives as individuals, as families and as a worshipping community.
The sermon scripture today (Mark 1:29-39) was one of those times when Jesus goes off, alone, to a quiet place to pray. I felt convicted to speak about how important it is to take time to reconnect with God- so that we can be truly connected in our life- with others and with our life purpose.
The adult sunday school watched a video by Rob Bell and Nooma.com called Noise. It is excellent. We had a wonderful discussion of the noise- audible and visible- that clutters our lives. We talked of the challenges and the need for the disciplines of silence and solitude. This was a really good discussion. If you want to see the video- contact me and I will make it happen.
If you are reading this- and you were at worship at PFC this Sunday- why not leave a reflection of your worship experience. If you are reading this from some distant place- outside of Palouse- and you worshipped somewhere else this Sunday- why not leave a comment about how God is working where you are at.
The youth Sunday School- did their normal cool stuff. I admire our teachers- thank you for your ministry. Thanks to Darlene for stepping in and helping with our growing jr/sr high group. Always a fun and energetic bunch.
Okay- so after the church there was a big football game party at John and Betty's. A bunch of church families....too much food... too little seahawk offense....too much screaming for Zoe...a few too many Steeler fans (though they are really lovely people)....and it was all very, very fun. Thank you hosts!
Please include our church in your prayers. Pray that I will be the Pastor-Leader that God wants me to be- that I will listen to God, that as we grow we will be faithful to our calling, patient with one another, deepening our love for God, each other and our surrounding community.
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