Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Prayer Gang- "The Intercessors"

In our "Give and Take" Sunday- we discussed intercessory prayer- petitioning God on behalf of others. We looked at many of the vast scriptures that support this type of Christian prayer.
At the end of our time I let people know that we are developing a prayer ministry- not a prayer chain, but a prayer gang- The Intercessors. Volunteers in this gang will receive specific assignments to pray for- every member won't be given every request- rather you will be given specific assignments to focus on.
If you are interested in being a member of our prayer gang- and can commit to pray for your assignments as well as keeping appropriate information confidential- please contact me, Corey at or simply leave a comment on this blog.
here is a prayer for all of you reading this, "Holy Father- may you open the eyes and ears of your child today- that wherever they are and whatever they are doing- they may know your love and be secure in it. Help them to love and serve others today. Amen"
May the peace of Christ be with you,


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