Thursday, July 19, 2007

Praise in the Park

Wow- Wednesday night was fun. We had over a couple dozen people down at the park. We had hot dogs and boca "burgers" and fixins to go with. At around 7pm we began a service of praise. It was good.
After the service people hung out, had some smores, played horseshoes or basketball.
It was a good ol' time.
I invite you down to the park the rest of the summer on Wednesday nights- 6pm for food- 7pm for praise 8pm for smores. Come for any and all of it.
It's free and fun.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Give us today our daily bread...

We have been learning from the Lord's Prayer or The Church's prayer- the last month or so. This great prayer from matthew 6 and Luke 11- is helping me to pray less selfishly. We are going to focus on "our daily bread" this Sunday. In preparation I came across a quote from William Barclay,
"We must note right at the beginning that we are taught to pray, not, Give me my daily bread, but, Give us our daily bread. 'A man' runs the Jewish saying, 'should always join himself with the community in his prayers.' The very use of the plural precludes all selfishness in prayer. One of the most tragic features of present day society is what one can only call an 'essential mutual disregard. It is a characteristic of our age that one class of the community does not care what happens to another class so long as its needs are met, one trade in the community does not care what happens to the other trades so long as its demands are met. Life is pervaded with essential selfishness."
I agree with Barclay that life is full of selfishness. I also agree that praying for our daily bread helps us see our selfishness and sees a way beyond it.
Peace in Christ for all of us,
Pastor Corey

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Wednesday Night Praise- 7pm

Hi there.
Every Wednesday night this summer we are having a time of praise and worship. Most weeks we meet at the church at 7pm. This Weds, july 11th, we are meeting at the Palouse City Park and worship begins at 7pm.
Kelly Bentley leads worship with guitar and Shelly leads with singing.
Come to the beautiful park, with the nice breeze and enjoy a time of worshiping Our wonderful Lord.
Pastor Corey

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Ross Point Jr. High Camp

I was the speaker at jr. high camp at ross point last week. Lots of fun. A bunch of youth from Palouse and Garfield. I uploaded a short video on to
I am also attemptint to post it here.
it was a fun time- and for many of us a very deep time of spiritual commitment to Jesus Christ. the leadership- Director Suz- and her crew were excellent servants.