Summer Days...

Summer is on the way! I thought I would throw a couple pictures and a graphic on the blog here- because sometimes having just words is pretty non-stimulating.
One is a picture of our park. One is graphic of a Palouse City map. And the other one is a historic picture of the St. Elmo hotel that is currently being restored by its owner and is painted a beautiful bright red- that alone is worth a visit to Palouse.
We are having a movie night this week, we are watching "Narnia" and having a dinner and popcorn- it should be fun. Its tomorrow- wednesday at 6ishpm.
I am excited by the many folks in our church that are proactively growing their faith. People are reading and studying the Bible and reading through provoking and faith challenging books- like Velvet Elvis and Irresistible Revolution.
I love watching people's faith/spirituality grow. I guess that's my main job, right? To aid people in their faith development- to help them become the child of God- that God has destined for them to be. I like that. It's a lot of fun.
That's a lot of what the sermon was about last week. The scriptures were two parables in Mark 4 about seeds, soil and the kingdom of God- the main point is the Kingdom of God is a life giving growth process- where people and movements grow into good things that God has destined for them.
Following worship we had a pretty lively Sunday school. We watched a clip from "Another World is Possible" the War DvD. It was challenging- on many levels. For me I guess I am getting convicted that I need to be a leader that helps create an environment where people can dialog about important and difficult issues- and help lead people from a situation of frustration and helplessness to one of loving action, thoughtful communication and service.
Prayer is so important. If we are to live as loving, honest, courageous people standing up for Justice- we need to be tapped into God's reality- we need to be attentive to the Holy Spirit- this is available always through honest prayer.
I will pray for you- if you will pray for me. Deal?
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