Monday, April 03, 2006

Good to be home...

We weren't in Palouse on Sunday, March 26th. We travelled to Heppner Oregon that weekend to serve at the memorial service for Kennethy "Kenny" Graves, 39. May he rest in peace. Please remember his family- especially his fiance Renee Kuehner in your prayers- this was a sudden loss.
We thank God for the gift of life given to the world that was Kenny Graves.

It was good to be back home for Sunday April 2nd service. Can you believe it is April?
This is Spring Break week for our school district and we were missing a fair amount of families and youngsters. But we had a spirited time of worship anyways! We had a very interactive give and take, discussing "Why worship?"- what we miss out on if we worship and what we gain if we worship. I learned a bunch.

You can read my sermon notes on my sermon blog- but basically I was led to preach a sermon on dealing with barriers that stop us from being who God created us to be. So I talked about sin- and letting things go and such.
I didn't check how many folks were there- but I guarantee it was our smallest group in 2006- it seemed like twenty people let me know that they would be gone this week.
Wherever you are- we pray for your safe travels and swift return.

We had a wonderful time celebrating the Lord's Supper. This month we are going to do it twice-we are going to celebrate it on Resurrection Sunday as well.
Speaking of Resurrection Sunday- I encouraged everyone present to invite at least a couple of people to worship with us on Palm Sunday and Easter. On Palm Sunday, this Sunday, we are celebrating with six baptisms and the confirmation of two baptisms. It should be fun.
peace. Corey


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