Baptisms and Confirmation

Praise be to God- I have lost track at how many times I said that today. Let me write it again: Praise be to God.
We celebrated six baptisms today and the confirmation of two baptisms. We are a Federated church- which means we are a combination of a few different kind of Protestant Christian churches- we have people that believe in believer's baptism (sometimes called adult baptism) and people that believe in child or infant baptism. We honor both practices, though I only perform believer's immersion baptism. I do, however, teach confirmation classes to those who were baptized as infants. Anyways- it was fun and awesome.
Tina and I didn't get any pictures of the baptisms as they were happening- so the only pictures I have to share are of me with the people afterwards. I have no idea how blogger will actually lay them out- so here are their names: Alyssa, Brenda, Eli, Gordy+Tereasa, Taylor, Haley, and Jake. The funny looking guy in the tie is me- Corey.
hey God- thanks for loving us and sticking with us and loving all these people. Thanks for bringing them home to a live of love, forgiveness, holiness and service for you. Hey God- I guess you were serious about this 'redeeming the world' thing! Thanks for working in this corner of your world. We love your presence.
oh- we had a ton of people in worship today- probably several tons literally.
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