..it's been a while...
I couldn't seem to get my blog account to work last week- and it was a busy week besides- so I didn't get to posting.
Anyways Its been a fun couple of weeks. Danny is now a big 3 year old. A bunch of our family came down this weekend to celebrate- he loves seeing all his grandparents, aunts/uncles and cousins.
Graduation was also last week for Gar-Pal. It was a very nice ceremony, much different than my high school- I think it has something to do with having 24 graduates rather than 400+. I was the Baccalaureate speaker this year. The service was a combined effort of the five pastors from the five GarPal churches. My message was the rich young ruler story from Matthew. Basically my main point was that God has a story for your life and the best life possible is a life lived to honor God. Pretty simple.
I also had the sacred honor of ministering to a family. They lost Susan to a blood disorder on May 26th and we had the service just this Saturday. The death was sudden as she had not been diagnosed. She has two kids, a boy and a girl that need your prayers. I know the family because of a Bible study I do every other week in an adult family home that her sister and brother own. They are a wonderful, loving and compassionate family. Rest in peace Susan.
Sunday was a good day. We are continuting in our June theme of JEM. Justice+Evangelis=Mission of God . The sermon was from John 3:1-17. you can read it here at my sermon page.
Sunday school was good as we continued to watch the videos by Shane Claiborne- "Another World is Possible." It really ignited some discussion about how we should be loving and serving people in our community. I am excited about this.
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