It's been a while....
I haven't blogged lately. Our family was able to take a vacation the last week of April. We went to Seattle and visited my brothers. We took in a Mariner's game, went to the Science Center- and had a bunch of good times with family. We ended the week by going fishing on opening day at Fishtrap Lake with Tina's family. Camping was a blast.
We've been back for the last 10 days- I just haven't had a chance to blog yet.
Sunday the 7th was our Annual Camping Sunday. We had John Batchelder from Ross Point Camp down to speak. He is a great man and a gifted speaker. I heard a bunch of folks excited about the upcoming camps for our youth.
May is a month we are devoted especially to prayer. There will be plenty of teaching on prayer and opportunities to put the learning into practice. We participated in the National Day of Prayer on May 4th. People prayed at home or at the Church- many participated. Sunday I began a month long series of sermons on prayer. The first was- Prayer: Life Beyond the Status Quo. This week's sermon is Prayer and The Family. The following week it will be Prayer and the Local Church. And then finally, "Prayer- Our Community, Nation and World."
I pray that you would use this month to focus on developing your prayer life. One of our verses for this month is Colossians 4:2, "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful." Listening and Chatting with God makes us more "watchful" observant, thoughtful Christians. Prayer helps us to remember all that for which we are thankful.
I am thankful for my loving family. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve God and God's people here in Palouse.
Stay in touch- if you read this, maybe you could use the comments to "type" a prayer for our ministry.
Peace be with you.
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