Monday, January 30, 2006

Kids say funny stuff

I really like being with our youth during the youth sermon. They always surprise me and say wise and funny things. What a blessing to have youth that worship God- and that are listening to the Holy Spirit's guidance at such a young age.

I got to see some of our youth play basketball this week. Of course I go to to a lot high school games, but I haven't really been to many of our youth league games. This last Saturday our family got to watch a combination of a games- it was pretty cool. I was really impressed that even in third grade the kids are playing on the full-length full court and a regulation 10 foot rim. It was a lot of fun to see kids and parents having a good time. I have to say we did sit next to some parents from the opposing team during one of the games that weren't having a good time. Everything was the ref's fault to them- using inappropriate words they described crudely how the officiating wasn't good enough, and how we were evil and they were good- and this is how they act when they win, I would hate to see what they say when they lose. Anyways, it reminded me that in life sometimes we find it difficult to look at life from another's perspective. The much easier, and less satisfying way, is to label a person without ever trying to understand their perspective. No one team is always right and the other team always wrong- though when we are unreflective and thoughtless we live life that way.
Anyways- besides the crude language and complaining of a few fans, the games were really fun. Hats off to our church youth who played. I was impressed. Keep up the good work.

Worship on Sunday was good- as usual. I have some exciting news that I can't yet share publicly- but hope to soon. I guess that's what you call a teaser- so you'll have to come back to find out more.
On another note- we will be introducing 8 "new" members to the congregation next Sunday. We are excited that quite a good sized batch has decided to commit to membership at the same time. We are, of course, always open to new members joining and people beginning relationships with Jesus as well as seeking Christian baptism.
There were 83 in worship Sunday morning. There were 20 youth and 7 parents Sunday night (not counting Danny and Zoe).
in Christ, pastor Corey


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