Pictures (and much more) from Worship!

I had a little extra fun in church today. While illustrating a point about how moments in time have potential to last for eternity- I took a picture to capture the congregation. You'll have to visit my sermon notes for the whole sermon if you weren't there (the link is on the right hand side of this page). Or you can request a CD of the service- we are recording the worship service on to CD now. Just send me a comment, or email me: if you want a CD. Maybe someday we will figure out how to get the service recordings online. Would you out of town/out of country folks like that? Let me know. Maybe someone knows a way of doing that for free, I can't believe this blog is free- so who knows.
My apologies to the far left and far right sides of the congregation- my camera can only handle the middle of the road! This is a great picture for people to see what I see every week- including that microphone.
The top picture is of the younger youth that came down for the children's sermon- Holly is on the left, Lyssa is in the center and Tyler is on the right. Good looking kids, with great smiles! We talked about baptism and what it means.
This Sunday was Baptism of Our Lord Sunday- so there was a lot of baptism talk. There was an invitation to receive baptism- no takers yet, but I am going to ask next Sunday too. I also encouraged the congregation to remember and reclaim their baptisms.
My sermon started out kind of funny. I went up to the pulpit and realized I had no sermon notes. I had taken extra care to review them one last time at my desk in the office- and there they sat. Thank you to Betty for suggesting we sing, as I searched for the notes. Thanks to the congregation for having a sense of humor. They sang the "Alleluia" chorus- hallelujah indeed- I found my notes.
Well there about 78 of us in worship- praise God. It was good to have Tyler (USMC) and family with us before he heads back to San Diego for more training. What a good family.
I musn't (musn't is fun to type and say) forget the wonderful donuts that we had during fellowship time- I only had one- your prayers for my self control are beginning to be answered.
The adult Sunday school finished their series on Paul's Journeys- we are beginning something new next week.
Have a blessed week- and please remember that God loves you!
Pastor Corey
Corey, Greetings from sunny D.R.!! Check out for uploading audio files free. I haven't done it yet, but I've been linked there are few times. Hope that helps.. and hope things are well. Ryan.
Thanks Jenn- we appreciate your kind words. Come and visit some time!
Peace, corey
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