Sunday, January 15, 2006

Pastor Corey is strange...

Hello. For those of you in worship Sunday- I thank you for tolerating my attempt at rapping scripture. I appreciate your patience.
For those who weren't there- keep your eyes open for me [not] getting a recording contract very soon.
Anyways we started worship with a call to worship from one of my favorite psalms, #139. We talked about this psalm in the children's sermon- how God can see us wherever we go, even on our really bad days.
People who were there had an opportunity to make commitments following the sermon- commitments like: accepting Jesus, being baptized, being confirmed in your baptism, seeking church membership, and making commitments to practice forgiveness, faith sharing, service to others and. We had a great response. Several folks are seeking membership in our local church. We have a couple that would like to do confirmation. One seeking baptism this Sunday!
It is exciting to see God work.
I really don't know what's happening- I think God is starting to call people back to church. Not just in our town, but I am hearing things all over the place. I know there has been lots of talk in recent years about small churches dying out and christianity declining in the US- well that talk is soon to be yesterday's news, if it isn't already.
I am running into a lot of people who WANT to be back in relationship with God- people who WANT to be back in a worshiping community.
Anyways- Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
There were 81 of us in worship this Sunday.
Pastor Corey
PS Email me if you want a CD recording of today's service.


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