Leading Edge Training for Pastor Corey

I went to Leadership Training Nov. 14-18 at Ross Point Camp. The training was developed by the American Baptists of the Northwest. It was excellent training. Topics included how to develop leaders, how to implement vision in a healthy way, how to communicate clearly and deal with confrontation in a healthy manner. There were various other topics. The classes are led by pastors with real life/ministry experience.
The picture shows one of the many learning activities we did. This was the construction of a mobile, which taught us about the challenge of building, maintaining and growing a ministry.
There was worship every evening- it was very good to simply be a worshiper and not be leading worship. I did lead devotions one morning. This was a humble experience. I can't remember speaking with pastors/leaders as my audience.
I appreciate the church's financial support of this training. The tuition came out of my continuing education allotment.
Pastor Corey
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