Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Blessings from Sunday

God blessed us in our worship on Sunday. One great thing was we had a lot of visitors. This is beginning to be a pattern lately. One visitor was Sgt. Anthony Kopf, recently back from serving in Iraq. He is Mel and Betty Ingall's Son-in-law. We have been praying for his safety and for his family for a quite a while. It was a blessing to have him and his wife, Kim, in worship.
The White family did the advent reading, reflection and the lighting of the candle. Taylor wrote her own reflection- and it was quite wonderful. It's theme was being a gift for God, because God is a gift for us.
In all there were 72 in worship- which is important for the following story. As I lifted the communion lid I noticed that one of the rings on each of the trays had not been filled with glasses. I found this curious, because in November we had nearly run out of cups and the trays were full that time. I was a bit scared as I looked at how many folks we had in the pews. I passed out the trays and the servers passed out the cups. When they came back there were exactly five cups left- one for each server and one for me. As far as I could tell no one turned down a cup and no one was left out. We ended up having the exact amount of cups we needed. A "small" but fun miracle.
The sermon was from Mark 1:1-8. It is available at coreysermons.blogspot.com
pastor Corey


At 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love hearing about and seeing "God Sightings", even when in church...they are a blessing to my faith.


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